Coal-based recarburizer


Due to the long smelting time, holding time, and overheating time in the smelting process of iron and steel products, the loss of carbon in the molten iron increases, resulting in a decrease in the carbon content in the molten iron. Thus, the carbon content in molten iron does not reach the theoretical value expected for refining.


Due to the long smelting time, holding time, and overheating time in the smelting process of iron and steel products, the loss of carbon in the molten iron increases, resulting in a decrease in the carbon content in the molten iron. Thus, the carbon content in molten iron does not reach the theoretical value expected for refining.

To make up for the carbon content lost during the steel smelting process, some carbon-containing substances are added. That's what we call recarburizer.


Particle size 2-5mm
Packaging 25KG small bags or ton bags
Content/particle size/packaging can be adjusted according to customer needs.

Name F.C(%) Ash(%) S(%)
Coal-based recarburizer 92-93 0-1 <0.5
Coal-based recarburizer 95 0-1 <0.5
Coal-based recarburizer 98.5 0-1 <0.5
anyang chagnfeng ferroalloy

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